Weekly Timesheet Template - for Contractors
Are you sick and tired of having your Contractor(s) send you their invoice each month, but you don't understand where their time has gone? 😱 And you up end up feeling a little miffed that you are paying a lot of money but not seeing the results you want? ⚠
If so, don't worry, I've got the solution for you. 💡 Just ask them to fill out a Weekly Timesheet to confirm what hours they've worked each week and what they have done.
What you'll get
✅ You'll get a timesheet template which you can send to your Contractors today (or staff members as required), to track their hours and costs. It's in Microsoft Excel format and you'll receive it instantly after purchase.
Why you should invest in this
👉 This is allow you to see what tasks they are completing and how long it's taking. It's very useful if you have multiple contractors in similar roles, as it allows you to compare their performance, so you get full visibility of what's happening in your business - yay!!!!!!
👉 This document is a downloadable, customisable template for you to make your own & to fit your business. It comes as a Microsoft Excel Doc.
👉 It's actually a steal as you can use it for as many Contractors as you like.
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